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Monika Roznere, Computer Science

Monika Roznere
Monika Roznere, Computer Science

I graduated from Binghamton University in NY with a major in Computer Science and a minor in Graphic Design. Currently, I am a PhD student in the Computer Science department and a member of the Reality and Robotics Lab. My research focuses on designing and deploying low-cost robotic systems for conducting vision-based tasks in low lighting environments, usually underwater. I also collaborate on projects such as shipwreck analysis, lake algae bloom monitoring, and plant-pollinator detection. Outside of lab, I enjoy backpacking, photography, and — if time allows it — a good jigsaw puzzle. I wanted to become a SEPA member, because I too was a student from a rural school and depended on a network of current and retired STEM teachers to help me get me where I am today. I hope that I can give back that help and support to the local schools and community.